M53 - LSM980 Axio Observer (inverted) with Airyscan 2 and incubation
System description
The M53 system is an inverted point laser scanning confocal microscope – LSM980. It is a spectral system allowing the free choice of detection and the acquisition of lambda-stacks as well as subsequent unmixing for the separation of dyes with overlapping emission spectra.
LSM980 features 4 highly sensitive GaAsP (Gallium Arsenide) detectors with a QE of 45% and up to 2x SNR as compared to standards PMTs.
M53 is equipped with a motorized xyz-stage and a definite focus (hardware autofocus device). The system is fully programmable and therefore able to run multidimensional experiments including any combination of the following: multiple positions, multiple wavelengths, z-Stacks, time-lapse. In addition the M53 system features Airyscan II - a hexagonal GaAsP detector.
This device enables improvement of the resolving power in XYZ by a factor of 1.7. The fast mode of the AiryScan called AiryScan MPLX allows 4-8x faster acquisition with up to 1.5x improvement of the optical resolving power and up to 4x increase of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) compared to 1AU confocal mode.
Widefield illumination
LED for brightfield
Lasers for confocal imaging
CH1: 380-736
CH2: 380-736
CHS1-4 GaAsP: 409-694
CHD: T-PMT (transmitted light)
Splitter to AiryScan Detector: SP 505; LP 525; LP570; SP 550; LP460; SP 615; Plate; Mirror
AIRYSCAN: BP 420-480+BP495-550; BP 420-480+BP570-630; BP 420-500+LP605; BP 465-505+BP525-585; BP 495-550+BP570-630; BP 495-555+LP660; BP 570-620+LP 660
5x/0.12 A-plan
10x/0.45 plan-apochromat
20x/0.8 plan-apochromat
40x/1.3 EC plan-apochromat Oil DIC (UV) VIS-IR
63x/1.4 plan-apochromat Oil
Additional devices
Incubation with CO2
XY Motorized Stage
Piezo Z stage insert
Multiple Position Acquisition
High Dynamic Range acquisition (HDR)
Eppendorf Microinjector