M16 - Axioobserver Z1 (inverted) with sCMOS camera
System Description

The M16 system is an inverted widefield microscope for brightfield. It is equipped with a motorized xyz-stage as well as a sCMOS camera. All components are controlled by ZEN Blue.
The system is fully programmable and therefore able to run multidimensional experiments including any combination of the following: multiple positions, including brightfield (DIC), z-Stacks, time-lapse.
White Light LED
5x/0.16 plan-neofluar Ph1
10x/0.5 plan-neofluar
20x/0.5 plan-neofluar
25x/0.8 LCI plan-neofluar, multiimmersion
40x/1.3 plan-neofluar Oil DIC
63x/1.4 plan-apochromat Oil DIC
AxioCam 506 color
Additional Devices
Motorised XY stage with piezo Z