Harald Scheuch - Head of Molecular Biology Service

Harald is also the contact person regarding establishing protocols and training on liquid handling automation. He is instructing on some other facility equipment (e.g. Synergy Plate Reader, RT-cycler BioRad). Harald is happy to answer all your questions regarding our test systems such as routinely Mycoplasma Testing every week.
- Office: IMP 2-015
- Phone: 3711
- Mail: Harald.Scheuch(at)imp.ac.at
Kristina Uzunova - Protein Expression Facility
Kristina is responsible for the Protein Expression Facility, within the Molecular Biology Service. She uses E.coli and P. pastoris expression systems. Kristina provides recombinant proteins of general use, such as proteases, polymerases and growth factors, and recombinant antibodies. In addition, she works in close collaboration with research groups on specific projects, designing expression constructs and developing tailor-made protein expression and purification protocols. She has also established and maintains a collection of expression vectors. Kristina also provides training and technical assistance to students.
- Office: IMP 2-015
- Phone: 3945
- Mail: kristina.uzunova(at)imp.ac.at
Boril Bochev - Protein Expression Facility

Boril assists Kristina in all steps of protein expression and purification. He is also in charge of the next generation high-throughput chromatographer, and develops tailor-made purification protocols.
- Office: IMP 2-012
- Phone: 3945
- Mail: boril.bochev@gmi.oeaw.ac.at
Robert Heinen
Robert complements the Molecular Biology Service Team by establishing and improving techniques that are of general interest (e.g. seamless cloning, in vitro RNA transcrition, isolation of nucleic acids) or needed for complex techniques like Phage Display (e.g. cloning nanobody libraries). Moreover, one of his responsibilities is to offer products frequently used in molecular biology in a "ready to use" and quality controlled way using the enzymes produced by our Protein Expression Facility (e. g. MiniPex nucleic acid isolation and purification kit, 2x Gibson mastermix, 100 bp and 1 kb ladders). He is assisting researchers in setting up liquid handling robotics, instructing people in using the facility’s devices and is the contact person for medium scale fermentation of cells lines for the production of monoclonal antibodies.
- Office: IMP 2-015
- Phone: 3948
- Mail: robert.heinen(at)gmi.oeaw.ac.at
Sabina Kula

Sabina joined our group in January 2012. She is responsible for conducting the reagents/methods testing and quality control on the MBS products. To her duties belong performing the weekly mycoplasma test as well as supporting the MBS Protein Expression Facility in molecular biology field. She can help you with requests for all RNAi libraries available at the MBS.
- Office: IMP 2-015
- Phone: 5512
- Mail: sabina.kula(at)imp.ac.at
Martina Rath - Sanger Sequencing

Martina graduated as a Medical Technical Assistant and worked in Medical Labs before she joined the IMP in 2000. She worked as a Research Technician in Groups from Erwin Wagner and Alex Stark. Since summer 2020 she is a member of the Molecular Biology Service and responsible for Sanger Sequencing, Speed Congenic Service, STR profiling for authentication of human cell lines, stem cells and tissues, and preparation of competent cells (chemically competent cells, electrocompetent ones and agrobacteria).
• Office: IMP 2-015
• Phone: 3381
• Mail: martina.rath@imp.ac.at
Markus Hohl - Sanger Sequencing

Markus runs together with Martina the Sanger sequencing service. He takes over the samples and sets up sequencing reactions.
- Office: IMP 2-015
- Phone: 3940
- Mail: markus.hohl(at)imp.ac.at
Jiss John

Jiss graduated in Biotechnology and joined IMP in 2007 as a Technician in Rumpel´s group. Since 2015 she is a member of MBS team. She worked in Media Lab from 2015-2018. Since 2020 she is working in the MBS Lab and her duties involves processing the Colony picking and Mini prep requests using the Liquid Handling robotics, Stem media supplement preparation and Pathogen Testing. She is assigned as a substitute for the Sanger sequencing team and can help you with your requests for the human cDNA library available at MBS.
Office: IMP 2-015
Christa Detz-Jaderny - Media Lab
After graduating in agriculture she began her career as a media expert at the Institute of Dairy Technology of the Veterinary University of Vienna where she established standard methods for monitoring Listeria for example, or prepared media for student courses. Since 2005 she has worked in the Media Kitchen of the IMP-IMBA, the tasks here being indeed thematically similar, but the incredible amounts that are consumed put the emphasis squarely on production.
mail: christa.detz(at)imba.oeaw.ac.at
phone: 4183
Christine Giesel - Media Lab

Christine started in the IMP fly food preparation in 2010. Since 2015 she joined the group and works as a Media Lab Technician. Therefore she has already a great knowledge about all products.
mail: christine.giesel(at)imp.ac.at
phone: 3647
Jutta Dammann - Media Lab

Jutta graduated as a Medical Technical Laboratory Assistant and worked in medical labs before she joined science. She started at IMBA in 2006 as Lab Manager in Martinez group. Then she worked as a Research Assistant in the research groups at IMP. She joined Media Lab team in June 2018. She has a lot of experiences with several laboratory techniques and she also helps us with establishing new products.
mail: Jutta.Dammann@imp.ac.at
phone: 4847
Sterile Processing Department
Team Sterile Processing Department:
Bettina Radich, Svetlana Pekec-Nikolic, Nuray Kilic, Asel Aykut, Adrian Angelov, Norbert Demeter
phone: 4172