December 20, 2010


Sort Facility upgrade

A brand new FACSAria III sorter has been installed at the FACS room.

A brand new FACSAria III sorter has been installed at the FACS room 1.06, replacing the FACSVantageSE. The machine's working profile includes simultaneous sorting of up to 4 different populations in bulk mode, as well as performing bulk and single cell sorts into multiwell plates and onto slides.

Internal sheath pressure adaptability provides the options for high throughput sorts (25.000 events/second) at high pressure or low pressure sorts at lower rates (5.000 events/second).

The System's setup comprises of 4 lasers and 18 parameters, of which 16 detect fluorescent signals, superceding its predecessor by 12 colours.


*375 nm Laser - 3 fluorescence detectors [780/60nm; 710/50nm; 670/30nm; 605/12nm; 530/23nm; 450/40nm]

*488 nm Laser - 2 fluorescence detectors plus Side Scatter and Forward Scatter detectors [695/40nm; 530/30nm; 488/10nm]

*561 nm Laser - 5 fluorescence detectors [780/60nm; 710/50nm; 670/14nm; 610/20nm; 582/15nm]

*633 nm Laser - 6 fluorescence detectors [780/60nm; 730/45nm; 660/20nm]