Experiments involving microscopy should be planned and discussed ahead with the BioOptics Facility staff. Training is compulsory prior to the usage of any microscope in the BioOptics Facility.
Users do not train other users!
If you cannot remember how to operate a system you were already introduced to, please do not hesitate to ask the BioOptics team for advice. Please make appointments with the respective staff members on time.
Introductions can be requested via the PPMS booking system. More information can be found at Introductions
Fur further questions and information schedule an appointment with the BioOptics Facility members via microscopy(at)imp.ac.at.
Sign-up Instruments
The microscopes can be reserved online through the Online Booking System PPMS -https://booking.vbc.ac.at.
If the user does not show up within 30 minutes after the start of the booking-time the whole reservation is cancelled and the equipment is available to everybody.
In PPMS you can also sign up to receive an e-mail, if a booking on a chosen microscope is deleted or shortened and therefore additional instrument-time is available.
To allow proper planning for everybody, we would strongly ask you to well plan your experiments, only book the time you actually need and cancel or shorten your bookings as soon as you find out that plans have changed!
Clean-up and Shut-down
Confocal System shut-down:
- After you finish your work clean the objectives from immersion medium with the lens cleaning tissue - don´t use it to clean the slides since it is expensive! Remove the rest of the oil with a cotton stab submerged in the "Wundbenzin".
- Change the objective to 10x.
- Check in the booking system when the next person is coming. If you are the last one (or next slot is schedule in more than 30 min.) switch-off the lasers and the fluorescence light source.
- Remove your samples and clean the working area.
- Report any problems immediately to BioOptics Staff.
Widefield microscope shut-down:
- After you finish your work clean the objectives from immersion medium with the lens cleaning tissue - don´t use it to clean the slides since it is expensive!
- Change the objective to 10x.
- Check in the booking system when the next person is coming. If you are the last one (or next slot is schedule in more than 30 min.) switch-off the fluorescence light source.
- Remove your samples and clean the working area.
- Report any problems immediately to Biooptics Staff.
Data Storage
All data should be stored on server space! Data stored on local hard disks can be deleted at any time without notice.
If you publish work supported by the BioOptics Facility, e.g. by using one or more facility microscopes or support in image or data analysis, please do not forget to acknowledge the facility in your paper.
If you encounter any problems with the equipment, please inform BioOptics staff as soon as possible even if the problem has been resolved.
If you have any questions concerning the operation of the machines or the planning and execution of experiments do not hesitate to ask the BioOptics staff for assistance.