Karin Aumayr - Head of BioOptics

- Office: IMP 2.008
- Phone: 3701
- Cell: 0664808473701
- Mail: karin.aumayr(at)imp.ac.at
Pawel Pasierbek - Deputy Head of BioOptics / Microscopy

- Office: IMP 2.008
- Phone: 3702
- Cell: 0664808473702
- Mail: pawel.pasierbek(at)imba.oeaw.ac.at
Gabriele Bradamante - Microscopy

- Office: IMP 2.008
- Phone: 3708
- Cell: 0664808473708
- Mail: gabriele.bradamante[at]gmi.oeaw.ac.at
Thomas Lendl - Image Analysis / Flow Cytometry

Alberto Moreno Cencerrado - Microscopy / Image Analysis

- Office: IMP 2.008
- Phone: 3714
- Cell: 0664808473714
- Mail: alberto.moreno-cencerrado(at)imp.ac.at
Gerald Schmauß - Flow Cytometry

- Office: IMP 2.008
- Phone: 3707
- Cell: 0664808473707
- Mail: gerald.schmauss(at)imp.ac.at
Johanna Sonntag - Flow Cytometry

Marietta Weninger - Flow Cytometry

- Office: IMP 2.008
- Phone: 3705
- Cell: 0664808473705
- Mail: marietta.weninger(at)imba.oeaw.ac.at