Karin Aumayr - Head of BioOptics
Karin has worked in all areas of the BioOptics Facility, fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS), microscopy and image analysis. She is helping with the planning of experiments and discussing available methodology as well as requests for future equipment. She is also specialized in image processing and analysis and is assisting in all questions concerning imaging.
- Office: IMP 2.008
- Phone: 3701
- Cell: 0664808473701
- Mail: karin.aumayr(at)
Pawel Pasierbek - Deputy Head of BioOptics, Microscopy
He is assisting with all microscopy questions, however he is specialized in laser scanning confocal microscopy, structured illumination microscopy and deconvolution. He is helping with the set-up of the experiment and the best choice of instrument for it. He is giving trainings including both the usage of the hard- and software as well as the optical background of the used system.
- Office: IMP 2.008
- Phone: 3702
- Cell: 0664808473702
- Mail: pawel.pasierbek(at)
Gabriele Bradamante - Microscopy
Gabriele is assisting with all microscopy questions. He is helping with the set-up of the experiment, choosing the best instrument, and in the design of custom-made imaging solutions. Gabriele is specialized in laser scanning confocal microscopy and light sheet microscopy. He is giving trainings including both the usage of the hard- and software as well as the optical background of the used system.
- Office: IMP 2.008
- Phone: 3708
- Cell: 0664808473708
- Mail: gabriele.bradamante[at]
Thomas Lendl - Image Analysis / Flow Cytometry
Thomas is mainly working on image processing and analysis and is giving introductions to ImageJ/Fiji as well as in 3D imaging solutions like Imaris. He is also operating the cell sorters and giving support for the analytical FACS machines.
- Office: IMP 2.008
- Phone: 3713
- Cell: 0664808473713
- Mail: thomas.lendl(at)
Alberto Moreno Cencerrado - Microscopy and Image Analysis
Alberto is assisting with all microscopy questions however he is specialized in atomic force microscopy, fluorescence lifetime microscopy, laser scanning confocal microscopy, lightsheet fluorescence microscopy and deconvolution. He is helping with the set-up of experiments andthe best choice of instrument for them. He is giving trainings including both the usage of the hard- and software as well as the optical background of the used system. In addition, Alberto is giving user support and trainings on image processing, data analysis, and data management. He is also programming in different languages like python as well as developing 3D imaging workflows like feedback microscopy or AI-based solutions.
- Office: IMP 2.008
- Phone: 3714
- Cell: 0664808473714
- Mail: alberto.moreno-cencerrado(at)
Gerald Schmauß - Flow Cytometry / Image Analysis
Gerald is responsible for operating the FACS sorters and giving introductions to the analytical FACS machines and user driven sorters.
- Office: IMP 2.008
- Phone: 3707
- Cell: 0664808473707
- Mail: gerald.schmauss(at)
Johanna Sonntag - Flow Cytometry
Hanna is experienced in molecular biological techniques and works as a FACS specialist. She is operating the sorters and does trainings on Flow Cytometers.
- Office: IMP 2.008
- Phone: 3704
- Cell: 0664808473704
- Mail: johanna.sonntag(at)
Marietta Weninger - Flow Cytometry
Marie is experienced in molecular biological techniques and flow cytometry and works as a full time FACS specialist. She is operating the sorters and maintaining the FACS machines and all other FACS related issues.
- Office: IMP 2.008
- Phone: 3705
- Cell: 0664808473705
- Mail: marietta.weninger(at)