Image Processing and Analysing
November 12-16, 2012
The BioOptics facility is offering a course on image processing and analysis from November 12th – 16th.
The aim of the course is to teach students how to address common imaging problems using existing software – it is not a programming or algorithm development course.
A fundamental background will be given on good acquisition practice, image properties and terminology as well as on basic and advanced image processing tools. Based on this, several image analysis approaches will be introduced, including measurements, colocalization, tracking and tracing. Please refer to the attached program for details.
The course will be held by BioOptics staff in form of five morning sessions. Each day will start at 9 o’clock and we plan to be finished no later than 12:00, however the actual time needed will vary and depend strongly on the interaction with the participants. Staff will be available also in the afternoon to work on individual problems or questions if needed. The course is meant to be highly interactive with lectures presenting the theoretical background as well as extensive hands-on and discussion sessions. This should help to address all individual and common problems and questions.
In order to achieve this, the number of participants is limited to 20 people. We encourage everybody whose work includes imaging techniques to apply until October 17th. Participants are expected to attend all lectures, so we will ask you to confirm the agreement of your PI once you have been admitted.
Time schedule PDF