M46 - Elyra7 with lattice SIM2
System Description

The M46 system is a super-resolution system. It features 3D single molecule localisation SMLM, lattice structure illumination SIM2, SIM2 Apotome, TIRF.
SMLM with techniques like PALM, dSTORM or PAINT bring lateral resolution down to 20-30nm. The reshaping of PSF brings the axial resolution down to 50-80nm across 1.4um volume
The lattice SIM pattern allows fast acquisition compared to a classical SIM and the SIM2 reconstruction achieves XY resolution down to 60nm and can be used with standard fluorescent slides and probes.
Dual camera link and unique image processing algorithms allow fast (simultaneous) two-colour imaging (up to 255fps)
Widefield Illumination
Sola SM - Fluorescence
LED for brightfield
Laser for Imaging
405 nm
488 nm
561 nm
642 nm
Dual Camera Link:
SBS LP560 to Camera1
SBS BP 490-560 + LP640 to Camera1
Mirror to Camera2
SBS LP660 to Camera1
10x/0.3 EC plan-neofluar
20x/0.8 plan-apochromat Var3
63x/1.4 plan-apochromat Oil DIC
63x/1.4 alpha plan-apochromat Oil Var2
PCO edge 4.2
Pixel size: 6.5 um