M45 - Viventis LS1 light sheet
System description

M45 is the microscope of choice for delicate living samples. It is suitable for long-term (several days) imaging of organoids, embryos and spores.
A sheet-shaped light beam is used for exciting a single plane of the sample. The fluorescent light from the excited plane is imaged by perpendicular, camera based detection. This results in optical sectioning with low-dosage excitation and next to no phototoxic stress for living samples. Only in-focus volumes that are actually imaged, are illuminated.
The LS1 is designed with inverted microscope geometry. The microscope allows dual-side illumination with a light sheet generated by scanning a gaussian beam. Three switchable light sheets with thicknesses of approximately 1 μm, 2 μm and 3 μm are available. The imaging compartment can host a dedicated sample carrier for multiple samples.
M45 is connected to HIVE
Laser 488 nm
Laser 515 nm
Laser 561 nm
Laser 638 nm
Transmitted light
Illumination filters
OD0 (100%)
OD1 (10%)
OD2 (1%)
OD3 (0.1 %)
OD4 (0.01%)
Emission filters
GFP BP 515/50
GFP/mCherry DBP
YFP BP 550/49
TBP 488/561/640
mCherry (ET630/75)
Tomato (BP 575/64)
Orca Fusion CMOS, Pixel size: 6.5 um (2304 x 2304, 5.3 Megapixels)
Illumination optics: Nikon 10X W 0.3 NA
Detection optics: Nikon Apo 25X 1.1 NA (optional mechanical magnifications of 18.75 and 37.5)
Additional devices
Controlled temperature and CO2
Tools for chamber preparation and customization