M27 - LSM 880 Axio Observer (inverted) with Airyscan/ Airyscan fast

System Description

The M27 system is an inverted point laser scanning confocal microscope (LSM880).It is a complete spectral system allowing the free choice of detection and the acquisition of lambda-stacks as well as subsequent unmixing for the separation of dyes with overlapping emission spectra. LSM880 features a highly sensitive array of 32 GaAsP (Gallium Arsenide) detectors with a QE of 45% and up to 2x SNR as compared to standards PMTs. The system is equipped with a motorized xyz-stage and a definite focus (hardware autofocus device). The system is fully programmable and therefore able to run multidimensional experiments including any combination of the following: multiple positions, multiple wavelengths, z-Stacks, time-lapse.In addition the M27 system features Airyscan - a hexagonal GaSaP detector.

This device enables improvement of the resolving power in XYZ by a factor of 1.7. The Airyscan fast option allows 4x faster acquisition with up to 1.5x improvement of the optical resolving power and 4x increase of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) compared to 1AU confocal mode.


M27 is connected to HIVE



Widefield Illumination


LED for brightfield

Lasers for Confocal Imaging

Laser Diode 405 25mW

Argon 458, 488, 514 30mW

DPSS 561 15mW

HeNe 633 5mW


CH1: 371-735
CH2: 479-735
CH3 Quasar (GaAsP)
 : 416-696 in 8.3nm steps
: T-PMT (transmitted light)

AIRYSCAN: BP 420-480+BP495-550;  BP 420-480+BP495-620;   BP 420-480+LP605;   BP 465-505+LP525;   BP 495-550+LP570;   BP 570-620+LP645


10x/0.3 EC plan-neofluar
20/0.8 plan-apochromat
40x/ 0.95 plan-apochromat
40x/1.4 EC plan-apochromat Oil DIC
63x/1.4 plan-apochromat Oil DIC
63x/1.15 plan-apochromat Water

Additional Devices

XY Motorized Stage
Piezo Z stage insert
Multiple Position Acquisition
High Dynamic Range acquisition (HDR)