M06 - Axioobserver Z1 (inverted) mit sCMOS camera
System Description

The M06 system is an inverted widefield microscope for brightfield and fluorescence. All components are controlled by ZEN Blu.
The system is fully programmable and therefore able to run multidimensional experiments including any combination of the following: multiple positions, multiple wavelengths including brightfield (DIC), z-Stacks, time-lapse.
This makes it suitable e.g. for various live cell experiments or the automatic acquisition of a large amount of images (screening).
2.5x/0.085 plan-neofluar
5x/0.16 plan-neofluar
10x/0.3 plan-apochromat
20/0.8 plan-apochromat
40x/1.3 plan-apochromat
63x/1.4 plan-apochromat Oil DIC
Sola SM2
White Light LED
Ex 377/50nm Em 447/60nm DAPI
Ex 470/40nm Em 525/50nm GFP
Ex 630/75nm Em 560/40nm TxRed
Ex 635/18nm Em 680/42nm Cy5
Ex 544,5/23nm Em 595/50nm TRITC
Additional Devices
Motorised XY stage with piezo Z
Incubation chamber for temperature and CO2