M05 - Axio Imager.Z2 (upright) with sCMOS camera, Axiocam colour camera and Apotome2
System Description

The M05 system runs under Zen Blue, is an upright widefield microscope equipped with transmitted and fluorescent light source. It can be used to acquire multicolour fluorescent images of fixed samples, as well as phase contrast (Ph), differential interference contrast (DIC) and colour transmitted light images.
Additionally the system is equipped with Apotome2 - a structure illumination imaging technology that combines the advantages of WF (very good contrast AND speed) and confocal (optical sectioning).
The final image is calculated out of 6 images acquired in the structured illumination mode.
This technique can be applied to all fluorophores and a wide range of specimens.
A motorized XY stage allows multiposition experiments.
Widefield Illumination
Sola SM2
White Light LED
Ex 406/15nm Em 457/50nm
Ex 436/25nm Em 480/40nm
Ex 470/40nm Em 525/50nm
Ex 480/40nm Em 510LP
Ex 500/20nm Em 535/30nm
Ex 545/30nm Em 610/75nm
Ex 560/55nm Em 645/75nm
Ex 620/60nm Em 700/70nm
5x/0.15 plan-neofluar
10x/0.45 plan-apochromat
20/0.8 plan-apochromat
40x/1.3 plan-apochromat Oil
63x/1.4 plan-apochromat Oil DIC
100x/1.46 plan-apochromat
Additional Devices
motorized XY stage
Apotome2 structured illumination