F14 - Penteon
System Description

This analyzer from Novocyte provides the flexibility to choose from up to 30 fluorescence channels utilizing up to 5 lasers. The NovoExpress software provides functionality in data acquisition, analysis and reporting. The 7-log dynamic range eliminates the need for routine detector adjustments, which means that samples can be acquired right away, saving on set up time for experiments and eliminating the risk for incorrect signal amplification settings. Sample delivery is automated and made convenient through use of an auto-loader, which supports up to 40 5ml tubes and 24-, 48-, 96-, and 384-well plates. A volume measurement enables the calculation of cell concentration for each sample.
Laser 1
349nm 20mW Ultraviolet Laser
445/45 nm - DAPI, Hoechst 33258, BUV395
530/30 nm - BUV496
586/20 nm - BUV563
615/20 nm - BUV615
667/30 nm - BUV661
725/40 nm - BUV737
780/60 nm - BUV805
Laser 2
405nm 100mW Violet Laser
445/45 nm - BV421, BFP, AF405
530/30 nm - BV510
586/20 nm - BV570
615/20 nm - BV605
667/30 nm - BV650
725/40 nm - BV711
780/60 nm - BV785
Laser 3
488nm 100mW Blue Laser
530/30 nm - FITC, GFP, AF488, Venus green, YFP
586/20 nm -
615/20 nm -
667/30 nm -
695/40 nm - PerCP-Cy5.5
725/40 nm -
Laser 4
561nm 100mW YellowGreen Laser
586/20 nm - PE, tdtomato, DsRed, Atto550
615/20 nm - mcherry, PE-TexasRed, PI
667/30 nm - 7-AAD, PE-Cy5
695/40 nm - PE-Cy5.5
725/40 nm -
780/60 nm - PE-Cy7
Laser 5
637nm 100mW Red laser
667/30 nm - APC, AF647, AF660
695/40 nm -
725/40 nm - AF700
780/60 nm - APC-Cy7