F13 - Aurora Spectral Analyzer
System Description

The Aurora from Cytek Biosciences is a novel spectral analyzer incorporating a unique combination of patent-pending innovative technologies and has the capability of measuring the entire emission spectra of the fluorescent dyes excited by multiple lasers.
It is equipped with five lasers (355nm, 405, 488, 561 and 638nm ) and can detect up to 64 fluorescence channel (and 3 scatter parameters). Samples can be acquired only from tubes.
Analysis is done via the SpectroFlo™ software which is capable of live unmixing during acquisition and extracting autofluorescence.
Laser 1
355 nm UV Laser, 20mW
16 channels uneven spaced bandwidth from 420nm-829nm
Laser 2
405 nm Violet Laser, 100mW
Detector module
16 channels uneven spaced bandwidth from 420nm-829nm
Laser 3
488 nm Blue Laser, 50mW
Detector module
14 channels uneven spaced bandwidth from 498-829nm
Laser 4
561 nm Yellow-Green Laser, 50mW
Detector module
10 channels uneven spaced bandwidth from 567-829 nm
Laser 5
638 nm Red Laser, 80mW
Detector module
8 channels uneven spaced bandwidth from 652-829nm