F02 - FACS Aria III
System Description

The FACS Aria III is a 4 laser sorter with 16 fluorescence detectors controlled by FACSDiva software and operated exclusively by BioOptics staff members. It allows bulk sorts of up to 4 populations simultaneously as well as single cell sorting. It is therefore suited for sorting onto slides and into multi-well plates. Temperature control for sample input and sort output (4oC to room temperature) is possible. The nozzle sizes 70μm - 85μm - 100μm - 130μm are availabe.
Fluorochromes in bold letters are listed in the configurations of the flow cytometer.
Laser 1
355 nm Ultraviolet Laser, OBIS 15mW
405 nm Violet Laser, OBIS 50mW
Detection 405nm
442/42nm - BV421, BFP
525/50nm - BV510
610/20nm - BV605
670/30nm - BV650
710/50nm - BV750
800/50nm - BV786
Detection 355nm
379/34nm - DAPI, Hoechst, BUV395
525/50nm - BUV496
610/20nm - BUV615
670/30nm - BUV615
740/40nm - BUV737
800/50nm - BUV805
Laser 2
488 nm Blue Laser, Coherent Sapphire 20mW
488/10 nm - SSC
530/30 nm - AF 488, FITC, GFP, Venus, YFP
695/40 nm - CyChrome, PerCP, PerCP-Cy5.5
Laser 3
561 nm Yellow-Green Laser, Coherent Sapphire 50mW
582/15nm - DsRed, PE, tdTomato, Atto550
610/20nm - Living Colors, mCherry, mRaspberry, PE-Texas Red, PI
670/14nm - 7-AAD, PE-Cy5
710/50nm - PE-Cy5.5, PE-AF 700
780/60nm - PE-Cy7
Laser 4
633 nm Red Laser, Melles Griot 17mW
660/20 nm - AF 647, APC
730/45 nm - AF 660, AF 700
780/60 nm - APC-Cy7, APC-H7