Thomas Burkard - Data Analyst

Thomas analyses project specific high-throughput sequencing data and develops the bioinformatics infrastructure for next-generation sequencing together with other groups at the IMP/IMBA.
- Office: IMP 2-011
- Phone: #3375
- Mail: thomas.burkard(at)imba.oeaw.ac.at
Maria Novatchkova-

Main interests: NGS data analysis (RNA-seq, scRNA-seq, ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq, WGS, WXS); integrated analysis of NGS and and proteomics data; comparative genomics; exploratory sequence analysis; function prediction. Currently, frequently requested routine and project specific data analyses include RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq, assembly, mapping and annotation of sequence data as well as indepth protein sequence analysis tasks. Maria has also worked in bioinformatics method development. She likes to work in very close collaboration with experimental scientists, and believes that this close interaction is indispensable for successful problem solving. So just drop her an e-mail (and pass by) to discuss problems, ideas, and possible bioinformatics solutions.
- Office: IMP 2-011
- Phone: #3376
- Mail: maria.novatchkova(at)imp.ac.at
Alexander Schleiffer - Computational Biologist

Alex main expertise is protein sequence analysis, such as determining evolutionary conservation, functional domains, remote homology, or protein structure. He is also happy to help with many other questions in computational biology. In addition he is the contact person for all Bioinformatics group related questions.
- Office: IMP 2-011
- Phone: #3377
- Mail: alexander.schleiffer(at)imp.ac.at