M35 – LSM800 Examiner Z1 (upright) with incubator

System Description

The M35 system is an upright point laser scanning confocal microscope (LSM800) equipped with high-sensitive GaAsP (Gallium Arsenide, like LSM780 and 880) detectors and a transmitted light detector. It is a complete spectral system allowing the free choice of detection and the acquisition of lambda-stacks as well as subsequent unmixing for the separation of dyes with overlapping emission spectra. This system can be used to acquire 2 different fluorophores simultaneously. A variable secondary dichroic (VSD) allows the precise splitting of the emitted wavelengths into 2 channels.

The system is designed to be used with water-dip lenses that allow direct imaging in the liquids like cell growth media, water PBS etc.

The system is running under ZEN Blue.

Widefield Illumination

LED : 400nm, 465nm, 525nm

Halogen Lamp 50W

Lasers for Confocal Imaging

Laser Diode 405 5mW
Laser Diode 488 10mW
Laser Diode 561 10mW
Laser Diode 639 5mW


CH1 GaAsP: SP470, SP545, SP620 - detection range 380-650nm

CH2 GaAsP: LBF640, LP575, LP665, SP620 - detection range 490-750nm

ESSID (transmitted light)

VSD range - 420-630nm in 1nm steps


10x/0.3 N-achroplan W
10x/0.3 plan Neofluar
20x/0.8 pan-apochromat DIC
20x/1.0 plan-apochromat W

Additional Devices

XY Scanning Stage
Incubator, no CO2